Mark 5:1-43

Hi sweet ladies! You are listening to Bold is… a women’s ministry podcast with the goal of helping you learn the Bible verse-by-verse. This season we are working our way through the Gospel of Mark and before we get to that, I want to let you know that everything we do is 100% free. If you believe in what we are doing and would like to consider helping support out ministry, would you pray about joining us as a sponsor? We would love for you to subscribe to our patreon which is a community of folks just like you with plans ranging from $1/month to $25/month. Your monetary donation gives you access to discounts on our merchandise, additional resources on our website, and early access to all of our content. With your support, you are ensuring that we can effectively deliver daily content to help women better understand their Bible which in turn creates disciples who impact the kingdom in greater ways. We also have merchandise available on our website at When you receive your new shirts or hat, take a photo and tag us on social media so we can see how great you look in it! If you cannot afford to help, we ask that you send us some love by praying for our ministry! Okay, friend -- are you ready to devour into Mark 5?! INTRO If you are new here, welcome to the podcast! Our goal is to walk you through Scripture verse by verse, so we will read a section of the passage and then try to break it down for you. Just a FYI, it is easy to take Scripture out of context, so make sure when studying you read before this section and after to ensure you are reading it within the correct frame that the original author intended. Ladies, let’s get started. I am going to be reading from the (ESV) English Standard Version. This is the Word of God and is profitable for you: They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes.2 And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. Matthew’s gospel tells us that there are actually two demon possessed men who meet Jesus when He arrives, but Mark and Luke focus on one of them.  3 He lived among the tombs. Here is some food for thought -- did you know that Jews avoided dead people like crazy because it made them unclean? (Numbers 19:11 says, “Whoever touches the dead body of any person shall be unclean for seven days.” For Jesus, a Jew, and His disciples (also Jews) to be near a man who was living in a tomb was in and of itself taboo. However, they were in a heavy gentile populated area.  And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, 4 for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains,  he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones.  I don’t know how familiar you are with demonology (which is the study of demons, but I did a little research and wanted to make the following known.), Baker’s dictionary says, “Demons are created beings, personal, immortal, and incapable of reconciliation with God. They have great power as compared with humans, but little power as compared with God. God has given us authority over them, so that in the name of Jesus they must obey God’s people, even as they must obey the Lord himself.”[1] Now, to be fair -- there is nothing in Scripture that discusses explicitly the psychology or physiology of demon possession, but verse five gives us an indication that the demons possessing this m

Hi sweet ladies! You are listening to Bold is… a women’s ministry podcast with the goal of helping you learn the Bible verse-by-verse. This season we are working our way through the Gospel of Mark and before we get to that, I want to let you know that everything we do is 100% free. If you believe in what we are doing and would like to consider helping support out ministry, would you pray about joining us as a sponsor? We would love for you to subscribe to our patreon which is a community of folks just like you with plans ranging from $1/month to $25/month. Your monetary donation gives you access to discounts on our merchandise, additional resources on our website, and early access to all of our content. With your support, you are ensuring that we can effectively deliver daily content to help women better understand their Bible which in turn creates disciples who impact the kingdom in greater ways. We also have merchandise available on our website at When you receive your new shirts or hat, take a photo and tag us on social media so we can see how great you look in it! If you cannot afford to help, we ask that you send us some love by praying for our ministry! Okay, friend -- are you ready to devour into Mark 5?!




If you are new here, welcome to the podcast! Our goal is to walk you through Scripture verse by verse, so we will read a section of the passage and then try to break it down for you. Just a FYI, it is easy to take Scripture out of context, so make sure when studying you read before this section and after to ensure you are reading it within the correct frame that the original author intended. Ladies, let’s get started. I am going to be reading from the (ESV) English Standard Version.


This is the Word of God and is profitable for you:


They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes.2 And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. Matthew’s gospel tells us that there are actually two demon possessed men who meet Jesus when He arrives, but Mark and Luke focus on one of them.


 3 He lived among the tombs. Here is some food for thought -- did you know that Jews avoided dead people like crazy because it made them unclean? (Numbers 19:11 says, “Whoever touches the dead body of any person shall be unclean for seven days.” For Jesus, a Jew, and His disciples (also Jews) to be near a man who was living in a tomb was in and of itself taboo. However, they were in a heavy gentile populated area.


 And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, 4 for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains,  he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones.  I don’t know how familiar you are with demonology (which is the study of demons, but I did a little research and wanted to make the following known.), Baker’s dictionary says, “Demons are created beings, personal, immortal, and incapable of reconciliation with God. They have great power as compared with humans, but little power as compared with God. God has given us authority over them, so that in the name of Jesus they must obey God’s people, even as they must obey the Lord himself.”[1] Now, to be fair -- there is nothing in Scripture that discusses explicitly the psychology or physiology of demon possession, but verse five gives us an indication that the demons possessing this m

Creators and Guests

Emily Richardson
Jesus always • pastor's wife • mama to Judah and Savannah ♡ • homemaker 🧺
Megan Rawlings
Megan Rawlings
I like teaching women about Jesus and my puns intended.
Mark 5:1-43
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